Sunday, September 27, 2009

OK - UK here I come...

In 44 hours I will be mashed into a little economy seat on an Iceland Air plane bound for a final destination of Heathrow Airport after a 9-hour layover in Reyjavik, Iceland. Which, those of you who know me very well will know, is the hometown of my favorite singer in the world, Bjork.

I am nearly as excited for my 9-hour layover as for my 10-week time in UK.

I will be arriving in London on the 30th at 8:15 in the evening, and will have the first week to get to know London, the tube, my roommates, and interview for an internship. I have been arranged an internship with a very high-end couture designer who is apparently very famous in London (though I admit I had never heard of him) named Ulrich Engler. You can check out his work here --> I really didn't expect such a great opportunity for an internship, so it was a great surprise when the internship coordinator (in her adorable and polite british accent) left me the message of the interview that she had set up for me.

So after the first week, my schedule will be: Mon - internship, Tues - internship, Wed - one class, Thur - second class, and Fri - Sun free to explore London or take the train anywhere I wish. (Within my budget that is).

I am infamous for my oil-and-water-like relationship with technology, so I cannot promise that I will keep this blog as up-to-date as I'd like, but I will try. And I'm sure the more response I get from you guys the more often I will be drawn to blog.

I just want to take an oscar moment here :) and thank a few of my family who have helped me very much in my preparations for the trip. You have made all the difference. Thank you.