
Often when I start taking something apart I find the most beautiful version.
The next week we draped with unusual household items, I chose foil and vanilla-ice scented trash can liners! (They are waste or rubbish bins here, if you say trash can they don't know what you're talking about) (and if you ever wondered what Vanilla Ice smells like, now I know. He smells like cheap candles from the 99p store)

I have decided that for my final I really want to have a transparent garment heavily draped or with creative volume over the top of another garment, so here is where I started experimenting with transparencies.

Side view

Back view


For the next week, to continue my transparency work, I bought an amazing cotton organdy fabric that has the most incredible stability. This first picture I literally crumpled a handful each at the top and bottom and shoved a pin in and it looked this fabulous. When I bought the fabric I purchased the last of the bolt, so I asked the older sales clerk if I happened to fall in love with this and want more, could it be ordered easily? He said that women in love has never ended well for him, but yes it could be here in a few days.

I am obsessed with the concept of a sheer bubble dress that ends like shorts around the legs over a cute little fitted garment, so there's a lot of that here and in my sketch book. My instructor told me "that looks great, but now try moving it up or down or somewhere else!"

This is that bubble dress with pleating over one shoulder with the lines of the organdy sort of echoing the shape of the jacket on the other shoulder. I think it'd be cute with one long slim black sleeve on the (viewer's) right side.

Ok no bubble skirt this time...

Then I started getting burnt out and took a coffee break where I had a brilliant revelation:
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