Saturday, October 3, 2009

Daily life in London

When I flew in on Thursday, I was pleased to find that although I have flatmates (it's not an apartment, it's a flat) I have my own room with a large desk for studying and a small bathroom and shower. Our building has roof access, and I love to wander up to the roof early morning or at night before bed to look out over the city. I can see off in the distance an arch lit in purple lights and I wonder if it's the famous London ferris wheel.

We walk absolutely everywhere. We've been warned thoroughly that when crossing the road even at a crosswalk you must watch for cars because they do not stop for pedestrians. It's your responsibility to jump out of their way,and if you don't you will be hit. Everything is so fast, I walk twice as fast as I ever have, and if you need to purchase something or swipe your oyster card to get on the tube it's all done in passing, no one pauses to do anything. It makes me realize why everyone refers to Seattle as painfully laidback.

I've gotten in the habit of eating one meal a day and having a protein bar in the evening because it's just so expensive to eat here, but I'm headed out to the market today with my flatmate Laura so we can stock up on fruit and veggies, and stock the cupboard a little. It's true that England has no good cuisine of its own, but they are so international that you can walk down one street and find cuisine from two dozen different countries within a few blocks.

Well I'm off to the market - Cheers!


  1. Waaaaaaa... I am sad I didn't get to have a goodbye cup o' coffee with you. I am so glad to learn you are enjoying London so far and I hope you keep updating regularly! Pleeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee.

    I <3 you,
    Mrs. Molenas

    ps. glitter is the herpes of craft supplies
