Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm Here!

Ok only a brief moment to post, but I wanted you all to know that I'm here, made it safely and I'm never leaving.

Iceland was gorgeous and I will write more and post pictures when I have a little more computer time.

So London is fifty times more incredible than I ever dreamed of. It's not british so much as international. As I walk down the street I hear different accents from different countries all around me. 30% of the population is foreign born. As I walked down the street back from a grocer an hour after I arrived I passed a shabby bum on the street who stopped me in my steps with "got a spot o' change, love?" too bad for him I'm a broke student, 'cause that accent would have convinced me in a second.

The transportation is amazing, I never want to return to the tangle of Seattle. They don't have a grid system or numbered streets, just winding streets every where but the tube is so easy to use, and the bus as well. I'm already (almost) comfortable getting anywhere on the map. There are posches and ferraris all over the place. My school is in the middle of the most expensive shopping district in London, and though shopping is utterly out of the question I walk the streets with the wealthiest, most stylish people in the world. I already stood by the Vogue building and have seen shops carrying Prada, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, etc. Today I was passed by a male model who walked with a halo around him and a choir of angels singing hallelujia to make way for him. I'm sure he was an absolute stuck up jerk, but I've never walked the streets among such celebrity. I've heard it's common to see Kate Moss walking the road right outside my school.

Now I'm sure you all think I'm turning into a materialistic snob, I'm not. Just amazed by my surroundings. The historic buildings are incredible and I'll talk more about that when I can post pictures too.

Until then - Cherio!

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