Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ooooodles of pictures

Drumroll please........

The first day in London we toured a lot of the city. This is my wonderful flatmate Laura who you will see gracing many of my pictures : )

First exhibit: St. Paul's Cathedral in all its glory

Self explanatory, a rubbish-eater on the Thames river (pronounced Tames)

This spire was the original inspiration for what is now the standard of wedding cakes! It is the church of the matron saint of beer, London's favorite saint.

This is technically the Millenium bridge, but the locals call it the "wibbly wobbly bridge" because that's what brits call things, and apparently the day it opened in 2000 so many people walked across it that it began to wobble and they had to close it down for 8 months of fortifying reconstruction. A little bit humiliating.

A replica of the Globe Theatre, for you Shakespeare fans!

One of the oldest pubs in London. In my first few days here someone told me that London is so cool because the pub down the street has been there longer than the United States, and the drunk sitting outside it nearly as long as I've been alive.

The Clink prison museum, (previously an actual prison) I haven't been inside yet but I will. We were told that the worst offense was not murder, theft or treason, but a woman who cheated on her husband. It was punishable by boiling in hot oil, and it was up to the mercy of the prison guard whether the oil was heated before or after she got in.

In this cage hanging from the side of the prison is a warning of what would happen to you if you broke the law in London. It's funny because now things aren't so much "illegal" as discouraged for your own welfare. There are very few bums and beggars around, and if one tries to plant himself on a street corner, he won't get fined but a police officer will go up to him and try to pursuade him that there are indeed much better ways of making a living than to resort to this. And it's not really illegal to drink alcohol out on the streets, it's just that if you are, you probably have a sleeping bag under the other arm.

My stylish flatmate ;)

A beautiful old window

"The Golden Hinde" a replica of Sir Francis Drake's famous ship. This replica has actually sailed round the world.

I love this picture : )

The current London Bridge (yes there have been many reconstructions and we all know why) quite insignificant, huh?

The Tower of London. To me it looks like Disneyland. If you want to see a great movie about a French guy who tightrope walked between the tops of these two towers and then moved on to do the same between the Twin Towers in New York, watch "Man on Wire". Super awesome I highly recommend it.

A cool building. I think this is the London Parliament but I could be totally wrong.

The white castle on the hill. There's more to that story, but the tour was already getting really long when I got to this point so my memory is not so great.

A fabulous window display, of which there are hundreds in London

Our first show in London! Laura and I stopped to have a drink at a restaurant and the guys in this band came by and gave us tickets, so we thought "why not?" They turned out to be pretty impressive. A totally american style rockabilly band, but they're from Spain and only two of them know any English. They're called "Dusty Trip."

Yeah I'm pretty much an awesome photographer.... (it's Laura)

Laura rocking out to Dusty Trip

Having a blast
Ok so here are some pics of my Creative Drape and Volume class. Each of us were told to bring in two old garments and drape them into something new, really fast, take a picture and tear it down and do a new one. It was a great exercize in just letting creative juices flow and see what kind of shapes we could come up with. I had a sweater and a long boxy skirt and these are a few of my creations.

And that's all for now folks! Until we meet again...


  1. Yeehaw for sightseeing.
    I like the term "flatmate". "Apartment-mate" doesn't really work, but it bugs me to say "roommate" if you don't actually share a bedroom.

  2. Oh they have all kinds of great terms here. As a greeting they'll say "you alright?" and I always am caught off guard, like "yeah, why? do I look unwell?"

  3. "Stylish flatmate" = "Single flatmate"?

    Hahaha, love you!

    If you get over to Ireland and you get the chance to snag a Guinness, skip it, unless it's cheap: it tastes exactly the same there as it does anywhere else, damn it. I was robbed!

  4. Yesterday I wore the heels you got me for the runway show and Jonny said "I think I should write Claire a thank you note or something" hahaha... so thanks from Jonny for the sexy shoes.

  5. You're welcome Jonny, that's why I bought them so I can see her in them... ahem.
